Trading Guides and Tutorials

EsaFX cooperates with MetaTrader5, the world's most popular forex trading platform.

Before being able to start trading, Prospective Customers are required to simulate transactions on the MT5 platform, as evidenced by ownership of a demo account and transaction history.

demo account tutorial

For Android

  1. Open MetaTrader5 application.
  2. Tap the + icon in the upper right corner and enter the trader name "EsaFX-Server" into the search, then select "Open a demo account".
  3. Fill in the appropriate data.
  4. Tap "Ready", trading account will be added to Accounts tab.

For iOS

  1. Open MetaTrader5 and select Settings.
  2. Tap New Account and enter "EsaFX-Server" in the search bar. Choose the trading server that suits your trading account.
  3. Select "Open a demo account".
  4. Fill in the appropriate data.
  5. Tap "Ready", trading account will be added to Accounts tab.

The data requested is name, cellphone number, email, and the deposit amount that you want to trade on the demo account. Account Type and Leverage will be filled in first. After the data is filled in, a login number, password, and investor will be sent (password read-only).

Save the Login number to be inputted into the live account registration, and make at least one 'buy' and 'sell' transaction so that the transaction simulation history is recorded.

esafx logo


  • Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi BAPPEBTI:

    No 86/BAPPEBTI/SP - PN/12/2014

  • Bursa Berjangka JFX:


  • Kliring Berjangka Indonesia:


  • Sistem Perdagangan Alternatif:


  • Pialang Berjangka Penerimaan Nasabah Elektronik On-Line BAPPEBTI:

    No 30/BAPPEBTI/KEP-PBK/10/2014

ios platformandroid platform

PT Esandar Arthamas Berjangka

Copyright © EsaFX



AGUNG PODOMORO LAND (APL) TOWER LT.36 UNIT T 7, JL. LETJEN S. PARMAN KAV.28, Desa/Kelurahan Tanjung Duren Selatan, Kec. Grogol Petamburan, Kota Adm. Jakarta Barat, Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Jakarta 11470, Indonesia.



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The information on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional financial or investment advice. We make no representations or warranties, either express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, suitability or availability of the information contained on this website or any linked sites. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. PT EAB is not liable for any loss or damage arising from your use of or reliance on any information on this website or linked sites.

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PT EAB website information is not intended to target residents of British Columbia, Quebec and Saskatchewan, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), Iran, the United States of America, and Hong Kong; and not to send or use the information to persons in countries or jurisdictions where publication or use of this information violates local laws and regulations. PT EAB cooperates with Alternative Trading System Participating Brokers from Indonesia under the jurisdiction of BAPPEPTI.

High Risk Investment Warning

Futures Trading and Alternative Trading Systems are complex financial products, and their use with leveraged trading attributes is likely to lead to rapid loss of capital, and you may be required to increase margin. Please understand the principles of the Futures Trading and Alternative Trading System and consider whether you can withstand this risk before entering the market. Past prices and performance of all derivative financial instruments do not guarantee or represent future trends. Such financial products are not suitable for all investors. Be sure to fully understand all potential risks before entering the market and seek independent advice when necessary.

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